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Reach Peak Performance

Take your dedication to your health and wellness to new heights with our innovative classes built across a variety of disciplines, expert trainers and the latest in fitness technology. Designed to inspire and motivate,  our community of members benefit from an unrivalled approach to wellbeing in a Club they feel is their own.  Whatever you are looking to achieve, we will help you get there.

Our Classes

Transform your workout with access to 100s of monthly classes, designed in collaboration with our PTs to deliver the industries newest trends and concepts.


Led beyond the walls of the Club, outdoor bootcamp combines an energising mix of high intensity training and full body toning and conditioning with slam-ball, battle ropes, box jumps and tyre flips for an alternative experience to our usual indoor schedule. 

Yin Yang Yoga

Yin Yang Yoga is a floor-based meditative yoga practice that blend dynamic sequences with standing postures and deep stretches to improve your flexibility and instill relaxation. 

ICG Coach by Colour

Ride your favourite classes and track your progress using our unique Wattrate Power and Coach by Colour system.  The programme uses five coloured training zones to optimise your results and keep you chasing that next PB.

Our Personal Trainers

Meet Your Gym Experts

Our Personal Trainers combine their expertise in achieving peak performance with the latest science and research to develop a training programme dedicated entirely to your needs. With a vast array of experience and knowledge between them, you'll find the perfect trainer to suit you, your personality and your goals. 

Our Yoga Classes

Ashtanga Yoga

Rejuvenate your body, making it stronger, toned, more flexible and controlled in this athletic flow.

Hatha Yoga

Breathing techniques and meditation are combined with a series of postures to align, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body.

Vinyasa Flow

Linking breath with movement, you will flow continuously through strong sequences, building strength and endurance.